For Industry Leaders, by Industry Leaders.

An exclusive community for founders, CEOs, andĀ leaders in the health, fitness & wellness industry.

This niche network, serves as a hub for industry leaders, providing them with a platform to connect, collaborate, and elevate their leadership skills.

A community meticulously crafted, supported by trusted advisors, for leaders like you.

Our members are working in fast-growing & life-changing businesses, impacting the lives of millions.

Our 'Why?'

Business is tough.

Running a business can be lonely.

As business leaders and entrepreneurs, having launched our own businesses, being on boards & speaking to numerous collegues and clients in similar positions, it was clear there were numerous daily challenges, obstacles and decisions hugely impacting our businesses.

Our challenges were the same, we informally met up over a coffee and sent messages to offer advice or support. From how to grow fast, how to get more customers, business struggles, dealing with being Lonely at the top, family /work challenges etc.

Nothing you find on a google search.

Through consulting with clients, growing brands, established companies, there was always questions. The same questions.

The owners, founders had 100s of things going on in their heads daily; staffing, cashflow, distribution channels, branding and so much more. They were looking for support from those that had the experience, the knowledge and the same growth mindset to help them.

There was a clear want.

A want to connect with like minded individuals, who shared the same challenges. To learn from those that had walked the path before. The bruises and scars of battle. Their heads were full ā€“ they werenā€™t sure where to get that advice.

They were Overactive & didnā€™t know where to find support.

Overactive was BORN.

Tailored for Senior Executives.

Designed exclusively for senior executives in the fitness, wellness, and health sectors, Overactive offers a unique opportunity for members to establish personal advisory boards, access executive coaching, and engage in exclusive programming.

Our mission is to empower fitness and wellness leaders through a community focused on collaboration, growth, and transformative leadership.

We aim to provide essential resources and connections to advance the health and wellness industries.

Our focus is on fostering genuine connections, mentorship, and personal growth.

Membership in Overactive comes with a host of benefits, including:

  • Participation in monthly group meetings
  • Access to a thriving digital community
  • Attendance at high-impact in-person events
  • Enrollment in tailored educational workshops
  • Access to a range of exclusive perks designed to enrich the entrepreneurial journey

Membership Criteria

To qualify for membership, individuals must meet specific criteria.

It's essential to note that Overactive maintains a highly selective admission process, with only a 10% acceptance rate. Please don't be disappointed.


"Steve sold us our first stand at Bodypower , so In many ways, was instrumental to the growth of Gymshark, so Thank You"


Ben Francis

Founder of Gymshark